Random Act of Kindness Get a Blanket and Give a Blanket

“When was the last time you did something kind for someone without being asked?”

I asked this question at dinner recently. My daughter said she helped someone in school  find a pencil they lost. I mentioned how my husband had held the door for a couple of people at the coffee shop this morning.

I want to promote kindness and thinking of others within my family. I want to encourage my kids to help out other people who are less fortunate than they are. With the busyness of moving and settling into a new place, it’s been a while since we’ve talked about Random Acts of Kindness as a family. Discovering Twill has opened up this important dialogue again.

When Twill first approached me to see if I would be interested in learning more about them, I was intrigued by their mission. For every item you buy, a blanket gets donated to a charity. There’s a whole list of charities to choose from, most of which are based in the New York area. There are some that are nationwide, like The American Cancer Society and International like Hope For Hunger. They keep expanding the companies where the donations are accepted.

If you want, you can be a part of the drop off of the donated blankets. They also work with organizations for corporate giving.

The blankets are of high quality, soft and cuddly, perfect for reading a book to your little brother :-) Their products are made in the USA, in South Carolina. The totes are perfect for painting and using yourself or giving away as a present.

We took our tote bag and painted it. We’re looking for a local charity near us where we can donate it.

What a great way to shop and help out others. Check out mytwill.com for more details.

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Note -  This company was founded by a different, completely unrelated Halloran family - weird! Their founder’s name is Zac Halloran. This is not my husband, whose name also happens to be Zack Halloran.




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